Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Day at the Doctor

So, what do you and your doctor do at the end of your doctor's visits?

I had to go see a general practitioner today because TN state law allows midwives to attend homes births as long as they report to an overseeing doctor. Like my midwife, this doctor has her office at her home. We sat around talking and whatever while I was filling out the paperwork, then she did the poking and prodding that would indicate I was having a physical.

To wrap up the visit she prayed with us and then told me that she always likes to give her patients a book and that I could pick which ever one I wanted off the shelf (I got one about end times called, "Left Behind or Sincerely Taken").

Then as we were getting ready to go she asked us if we'd like to go get some vegetables from the garden. I wasn't sure if I'd herd her correctly, but she was like: "Let me go get a bag for you." Here's what we made out with, and it would have been a lot more if I hadn't reminded her that it was just the two of us.

I can not remember for the life of me what she said this squash is called (so if you know, feel free to fill me in. I figure that I can figure out something to do with it.

These little guys that look like tomatoes are actually plums.

I wish that there were doctors like Dr. Pat in LaFayette (although it almost seems worth the hour and a half drive to switch her to my GP).

Monday, June 23, 2008

Cereal Success

It doesn't take too much to make me proud of myself when it comes to shopping. Today's accomplishment was getting 4 boxes of cereal - a $13 value (Yeah, I couldn't believe it either!) - for only $4.18. I pulled off this little feat by getting boxes that were buy-one-get-one-free for which I had a store coupon for $1.50 off and a manufacturer's coupon for $1.00. So, for each $3+ box of cereal, I spent around $1.05:-)


Friday, June 20, 2008

And It Was Free

I have been so excited about the website, first because we have gotten rid of things that we otherwise would have thrown out (all the stuff the previous owner left behind: vehicle ramps, diesel gas cans, fence gates, etc) and because of all the really great stuff we've needed (or wanted) and did not have to pay for. We got a weight bench and a whole set of weights for Jeff (and me once I let my gym membership expire), a crib, and a changing table. Add that to the cabinet that the other owner left behind and the baby room is almost ready to go. Too bad IT won't sleep in there until like March or April of '09:-)

So here are the photos of the free baby stuff. We still have to put the bottom of the crib in and add the mattress that came from Vickie's crib (we used that crib for a headboard on the guest bed). I can't believe my little sister is going to be 10 in a month!

We'll need to get one of those terry cloth covers for the actual changing pad because it has two small tears in the vinyl.

A friend gave us most of the books on the bottom shelf yesterday. The rest I got at the used bookstores in Chattanooga and LaFayette for a quarter to two dollars. Again, the 500 books thing:-)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Arg! Registering!

O.k. So I know very little about registering for a baby. I mean, I've taken care of enough kids to know the basics: diapers, clothes, something to sleep in. But since people keep grousing about me buying things myself for the baby (how will people know what to buy you if you keep getting them yourself. I've heard it twice now.) I figured I better be pretty comprehensive with our registry.

So, if you are one of my friends (or relatives) who's a mommy, would you please check over my registry and advise me if I missed anything.

We already have a swing (thanks MIL & FIL!), a stroller (thanks SIL!), a crib and changing table (FREE from!), a glider rocker that we bought at a consignment sale, and a cosleeper that we bought on e-bay. Plus, we have gotten a start on clothes and cloth diapers from yard sales, Goodwill, and Craigslist. And, I have two whole shelves of baby books from a friend whose kids are grown. Not that I ever mind getting books!! (I have over 600 books in this house:-)! ) Just don't see the need to register for them.

P.S. We're half way there (as of yesterday)! Whew! Seems just like yesterday I thought I'd never stop throwing up.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Queen of Frugality

Today was the 90 mile yard sale that goes from Ringgold to Marietta (so was yesterday and tomorrow). Having never attended one of these mega-yard sales, I didn't really know what to expect, so we took a healthy sum of money out of the bank, and ended up redepositing most of it. We didn't find any big ticket items that we wanted, as the jogging stroller was pretty dirty, and we already have a regular stroller and a swing. But, I am convinced that in the future this is definitely the way I'll go for finding children's clothes.

For less than $20 (19.25 to be exact) we got 19 articles of clothing, 4 bibs, two blankets (one is a swaddler), two crib sheets, and a hat. Some of the clothes are Baby Gap, and most are from Carter's (lots of Carter's fans here apparently). Nothing smells and nothing has stains.

Here're some photos of our loot:

See the little bib that says, "I love my grandma?" :-)

We even found a "Baby's First Christmas" gown in the right size range. And I love the little blue turtle neck down in the right corner that says, "Special Blessing."

After we bought it, and I was folding everything while we drove, Jeff pointed out to me that the little Winnie the Pooh suit was from the Disney Store, so it probably cost $30 - $40 originally. I paid $2.

Whew! What a day.

P.S. We did not go all 90 miles of the yard sale. That would have defeated the purpose of trying to save money. We went to Ringgold and a little in Whitfield County. Both within half an hour or less of here.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

One foot shorter?

Many people already know that I have done homebound instruction with an awesome teenager over the last two years who has leukemia. So, this plan has been floating around in my head for most of that time that I have a LOT of hair! People always tell me how they would love to have curls like mine.

Well, yesterday it was 94 degrees here. I love summer, but the heat came out of nowhere. Notice here how my hair is almost touching that tie on the back of my shirt.

Notice here how it doesn't.

Notice here the 10 inches of hair the stylist saved to send to Locks of Love:-) (That doesn't include the couple of inches she took off after she cut the pony tail to even me up!)

Notice here that Jeff doesn't hate cats as much as he lets on. . .