Everything checked out fine at the cardiologist yesterday. Thank you to everyone who prayed with us that it would be the innocent heart murmur instead of the congenital defect one. The doctor said the 8 of 10 babies have this particular murmur at some point in their childhood and only 1 in 10 get the other kind.
Everyone at the children's hospital was impressed with his size:-) He weighed in at 12 lbs, 11 ozs. That means that he gained 2 lbs and an ounce in 10 days! What can I say? The boy loves milk! He even let me sleep for a couple of four hour stretches twice this week. The other day, it seemed like he was up every hour and a half (yuck), but hopefully, that is past us now.
I bit the bullet and bought some brand new cloth diapers this week. I got the BumGenius kind that are really expensive (still cheaper than disposable in the long run). Well, lets just say that I know why they cost so much now. When I changed him, after being in the thing for four hours, the part that touches his skin didn't feel wet at all, but when I pulled the inner liner out, it was soaked! Amazing.
So, now I am trying to sell off the other brands that I bought (except the newborn sized ones) so that I can buy a complete set of the BumGenius. I think I'm in love!