Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thank you, LeapFrog!

Sometime before Jude was even old enough to know what TV even was, we got this LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD free in the mail. (I'm really good at finding freebies like that. I think I may have only actually paid for 2 of the DVDs he owns!) It came in handy for our road trips to Florida to pick Vickie up and bring her home back in July and August, since Jude doesn't have any sit in him. But until maybe 3 weeks ago, that was the last time I played it for him.

Then the whole Comcast debacle happened where our service went down one Saturday morning and they said they couldn't come to fix it until the following Tuesday (it was a holiday weekend) so out it came again. And out of nowhere, one day last week I realized he was singing the letter sounds. I totally blame it on this video because I certainly didn't teach him that yet.

So, with no further ado, I give you Jude and his letter sounds! (Yeah, I know it doesn't really mean anything to him at this age. But it is sure fun to watch!)


Keeslermom said...

We have the whole Leapfrog collection, and they are worth the money!

ebers79 said...

absolutely precious! Caden only knows the letters... we haven't gotten the majority of the sounds down yet... so yippee for Jude! Awesome girl... :)

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine recommended Letter Factory. It is awesome. Liam knows the sounds of most of the letters now and he didn't before.