Friday, September 11, 2009

"My Husband Rocks!" preempted for 9/11

Jeff is on his way to a memorial ceremony this morning honoring those rescue workers who gave their lives eight years ago this morning. Today, I am taking a break from MHR to remember those rescue workers, and other victims as well. If all goes right with blogger, this post will show up on my blog at 8:45, the time of the first attack.

“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children. “
- President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001

I was getting ready for my first evaluation as a student teacher when my supervising teacher came to me and said, "They've got the Pentagon." I didn't understand what was going on. Then my supervising professor came and asked me if I had heard about the attacks and if I was still able to go ahead with my lesson to be evaluated. Still really clueless to what was going on, I did.

It wasn't until after the kids were gone and I called Jeff at planning, that I truly understood what was going on. I think that we, like everyone else, were glued to the television for the remainder of the day. I was certain that this was the beginning of the end of the world. But, we woke up the next day. And the next, and the next after that, and so on.

The victims of the plane crashes, while I definitely consider them true American heroes, had no choice in the matter, but there was a group of men and women who did. The firefighters, police officers, and EMS workers who lost their lives that day could see the destruction before them, and they went into those buildings anyway.

So, today I hope that you will remember the memories of those people. May their memories live on with us all the days of our lives. Pray for the survivors and the family members and friends who lost people that day. And please (!) pray for peace and a resolution on the two war-fronts where our troops have been for entirely too long.

CNN's comprehensive time line of the events of September 11, 2001


Stacy said...

This day will never be forgotten by anyone. My older kids were too young when 9-11 happened but they understand now how this day affects the masses everywhere.

Thanks for sharing.

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

I still remember it like it was yesterday. I wanted SO BADLY to go up there and help but I wasn't in a position to at the time. I have always been in awe of those public safety workers who went in knowing exactly what was at stake. I always wonder what I would have done. It's a tough thing to think about. I am truly humbled by what those men and women gave up that day. Thanks for the beautiful post.

I hope you and your sweet family have a great weekend.


Teresa <><

Morgan said...

Today I am remembering them as well.

Thank you for visiting my blog. It's fun meeting other firewifes! :)
By the way, I haven't read the 9-11 series yet, but I would like to soon. I put a hold at the library on the first book in the series this evening. I've read most of Karen's other books, but I think I've put these off for so long because I am sure I will shed many tears while reading them.

Sandy said...

Yesterday's posts, news reports, etc., brought the horror of that day back loud and clear. Personally I feel that is a good thing. I am willing to shed tears every September 11 if it means we are remembering the innocent victims and the brave souls who rushed in.

Multiple personalities.. said...

You're so lovely for posting this. This past 9/11 I watched quite a few news shows and documentaries about that tragic day, and it was difficult to not cry. Good for your hubby for attending the memorial!